One Image One Story
Submission Guidelines
At present we only publish non-fiction travel stories that tell us about the black and white image you have supplied. We have a bias toward clear, concise, understandable work that communicates, surprises or disturbs - writing that bears witness to the world we live in.
Short works of 800 words or less (title not included) in body of email;
One black and white image – maximum 1000x1000 jpeg. Taken by author and/or free of any form of prior copyright;
Image and text must be unpublished. Feel free to simultaneously submit but please let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere;
We reserve the right to make some editorial changes where we think necessary but you will always be informed and your permission sought;
All submissions should include the name of your story and your name in the subject line (helps with spam) with a short third person biography (150 word maximum) in the body of the email;
We accept submissions throughout the year;
We are a small volunteer organisation so please be patient – we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Rights: Sojournal acquires first rights for print and online/e-book publication and reserves the right to publish work that has appeared in the magazine on its website and related social media.
Send submissions to:
Thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you.
Sojournal Team